Synopsis: Akio is perplexed when his hardworking father Hakutaro suddenly decides to quit his desk job one day without any explanation. This popular manga adaptation, starring Seiyo Uchino and Hidetoshi Nishijima, is a welcome change of pace chronicling the domestic life of an everyday couple – along with some mouthwatering scenes of home cooking. There’s lots to love about the aforementioned productions, but it’s high time the mellower, slice of life titles get their time in the spotlight, too. Overview: Netflix has no shortage of LGBTQ+ titles, but such features most often come in the form of over-the-top productions like ‘Ossan’s Love’ or gritty dramas by the likes of ‘Ride or Die’. Despite his non-nonsense disposition, Shiro never fails to show his affection and dedication to Kenji by making him delicious home-cooked meals every day. While both men are in their forties, they have vastly different personalities that sometimes clash: Kenji is an upbeat soul who wears his heart on his sleeve while Shiro is more stoic and less inclined to joke around.
Synopsis: Kenji Yabuki is an openly gay hairdresser while his partner, Shiro Kakei, is an attorney who keeps his identify as a gay man a secret from his family and colleagues.