What little I actually knew I observed with lowered eyes from the adult world: the TV show where the guy wears a dress and gets a laugh the lisping characters everyone makes fun of in movies those hairy, bare-chested men entwined and smoldering from the covers of magazines my local newsstand put on the top shelf in the way, way back. To many YA readers, I am relatively (okay, empirically) ancient.)īack then, there weren’t many options for learning more about being gay, no school assemblies to discuss the issue, no GSAs, no books in the library to confirm what I was feeling. Yes, hard to imagine, but I was already an adult before the advent of message boards and AOL-“You’ve got mail!”- and online images that took approximately seven hours to gradually reveal themselves on my tiny computer screen. Let’s put it this way: I grew up in the Time Before the Internet. ( It’s been a long while since those years.